Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Too Excited to Sleep!!!!

A little boy in a Disney commercial years ago said that. Well that's the way I felt last night/early this morning! I was awake from 4am until 6am. UGH! Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a morning person.

So, yep, we are going to DisneyWorld for the second time in a year! This time we know what it is all about and are comfortable going and know what to do, so it is much more exciting. Also we are staying in Florida for a whole extra week, so we will get to do a lot more things. Tickets for SeaWorld and Universal Studios are already booked.

I was rather dissapointed last time not to see any of the Florida scenery, other than from the airplane. This time we will be going on an airboat ride to see gators, going to the beach, going to a public garden in Orlando, among lots of other things.

As an added bonus we get to meet an old friend of Rick's and her family, complete with an adopted daughter close to Savannah's age! Kim I can hardly wait to meet you and your little family! It will be nice to have someone who knows the area show us around and give us the scoop on everything! :D

This trip was rather quick in the planning and decision to go, but boy is it gonna be awesome!!!! Yep, I'm definitely too excited to sleep!


Kimberly said...

I'm soooo excited that you are coming! It's going to be so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments on our pictures!

Dang, if we were closer to Disney World, I'd love to meet you. Unfortunately, we are 4 hours away! Enjoy your trip to sunny FL, and give Kim and Aerie big hugs for me. I guess you can give Charles one too, but he might think that's weird or something ;)
