Thursday, January 15, 2009


An old friend gave me this idea! It sure beats playing outside in the cold all morning. Yes, that is indeed snow in the bathtub.

Savannah just did not know what to think of this, but she was happy about it.

It's cold Mummy

Climbing up for a better view

This is what happens when you leave three 2 year olds alone with snow for a minute! They were all throwing it in the hallway and into Savannah's room. She is mad because her socks got wet!

It's so much fun. I love this cute photo of her.

She actually had two other girls her age helping play in there, but I can't put their photos on my blog :(

This is the snowman we made.

Then we decided it needed to have warm hands.

And warm feet!

SMILE!!!!! :D

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