Monday, January 12, 2009

Making Pie

New Year's Day Savannah and I decided to make the pumpkin pie that was supposed to be for Christmas! There were too many other goodies to worry about pie that day though.

First I showed her how to do each step.

Then she did it on her own!

This is serious business!

You mean I am allowed to get my hands this messy?

This is going to be delicious with a little extra help! :)

Gotta get this just right.

Is it supposed to look like that?

There are no photos of the finished product. Wouldn't want to make you too hungry! Miss Savannah had to go for her nap so she wasn't able to help finish it either. That's okay, it was 'licious anyway, especially with the Nutriwhip!


Kimberly said...

How cute! I love the pictures of both of you working together. It is so much fun to mix and knead and help Mommy cook, eh? I love it when Aerie wants to be in on the cooking. If only she would eat it later!

Percy2626 said...

It felt funny having Rick take photos of both of us doing that, but I asked him to do it for us. I remember doing lots of baking (especially pie making) with my Mum and siblings, but there are no photos of it anywhere that I am aware of. I would like Savannah to be able to see some of the things she did as a little girl when she is older.