The first ornament that came is a horse transferred onto organic cotton , sewn into a sort of circle and hung with organic blue hemp thread. It is from Cindy.
A couple days later I received a very nice set of five paper ornaments. They can also be used as gift tags. They looked lovely hung with wire hooks from garland in my kitchen window. These came from Rebecca of Moontree Press.
Next came a cute little wreath and stocking ornament made from hand-dyed yarns. It hangs from a piece of green paper ribbon. This is the ornament that the snowflake card came with as well. The wreath was made by Joni.
I borrowed this picture of Rachel F.'s the Ornament Swap item from Joni. I call this set of 3 one inch badges my "Stop lights." They are red, gold, and green sparkly little things.

I really like this cute little apron and hanger. So Does my daughter. Laurel made it.
Next is a felt owl. Kind of Halloween colors, but I like it. It is from Anneka.
The last one I received is a lovely felted mitten with a red heart on it. Felting is neat. Kari made this one.
I am still waiting for one ornament, but I am beginning to think it is a lost cause. Thank goodness I wasn't in the group that is still waiting for four ornaments!
Here are a couple pictures of the paper ornament tags hanging in my kitchen window.
Just for Michelle, here are a few pictures of Christmas dinner!!!!! (Got the idea from your IKEA meatball picture!)
I don't think that is a "support your troops" thing at all... it's a cowboy, not an army trooper of any sort. Weird.
Me too- I think it is a Cracker Jack toy with a ribbon around its neck - someone ran out of ideas!
See you decorated your Grape Ivy. Hmm wonder where you got that idea??!!
I like the wreath and stocking. Some people certainly put more effort into their ornaments than others.
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