Reason number one:
I told him we weren't to have kids in our bed, but night number one she woke up every time he set her down, so he just brought her to our bed. I had a bad feeling about that. Think I was right. :D
Reason number two: Daddy always put Savannah to sleep when she was a baby. He'd hold her on the couch and bounce her to sleep. Worked like a charm. Got so good at it that when she was a little older she told him not to bounce her because she didn't want to go to sleep!
Reason Number 3: As soon as she was able to climb out of her crib, she would come toddling out of her room, dragging her Princess blanket with her. She soon learned that Mummy would just take her back to bed, but if she bypassed Mummy and walked around to Daddy's side, he would pick her up and put her in the middle. His excuse? "She's just so cute! She can barely see over the edge of the bed and there she is, holding her blanket and poking her Daddy!"
Now she has her own Princess bed, as well as a "spare" toddler bed in her room. If she accidentally wets the bed she can change and sleep in the toddler bed. It's come in handy a few times.

A very happy girl the first night in her Princess bed last year. Don't be fooled by the excitement Mummy, I'm still going to come sleep with my Daddy!!!
Reason Number 4: "Daddy's So comfy!"

Last night she woke up around 2:30 or so and we got her changed and put into the "spare" bed. She was crying about coming to sleep with us, so Daddy went and tucked her in thinking that would keep her in her own bed. Not so, about 5 or 6 she ended up in our bed again. Neither of us woke up, so we are not exactly sure what time it was.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get this Bed bug to stay in her own bed before she gets too big?
She's still cute. She knows not to poke Mummy (the sleeping bear) either. :D So most nights she arrives in our bed, she stays in our bed. Yep, I blame her Daddy.
Here's hoping for a good night's sleep tonight. Free of Bed Bugs, of all shapes and sizes.
they just seem to grow out of it! Eventually.
A friend of mine started making a bed (like a sleeping bag) beside her bed every night, and each of her kids went through phases where they'd come sleep there almost every night. Then, they just grew out of it.
I refuse to take the blame or see this as a problem either
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