Saturday, March 27, 2010


I think that is Savannah's most favorite food. I thought she like Costco hot dogs the best, but today she only had two bites of that. I thought she would eat it later for supper, but when she was hungry she pulled this mornings leftover waffles out of the fridge and told me she likes waffles!

Of course they have to have strawberries and whipped cream (well fake stuff since I myself am allergic to milk protein).

The whipped cream is actually how the waffles got made this morning. A couple days ago Savannah found the NutriWhip container in our downstairs fridge. She brought it up and told me she wanted to make it. I said not that day, maybe another day. So we put it in the upstairs fridge "for another day."

Daddy is the one that always makes the waffles with his "Love bug!" This morning when she got up, Savannah checked the living room couch on the way to the kitchen. I heard her say, "Yay, Daddy's here!" Then she ran to the fridge to get out the whipped cream container. Of course she asked me if she could make it, so I sent her to ask Daddy.

Pretty soon they were in the kitchen cooking up some waffles. I got out the film camera to finish off the film (still not quite done). Savannah decided she needed her apron on before any photos were taken. It's actually quite amazing that she forgot to put it on first. She wears her special apron from Gramma G.G.'s that used to belong to Flower Gramma or Auntie Connie. Today she found Daddy's new apron from a sausage making course he took. So, of course, Daddy had to wear his apron too!

It will be great if she always likes to cook this much. She is going to be a proffesional chef soon.
So far Savannah's restaurant menu looks like this:


Lettuce Salad

Chocolate chip cookies


Breakfast, a light lunch and dessert, yup, I think she has it covered!

Mmmmm waffles, think I'll go have some now. Thanks Chef Savannah!

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