One of the displays. Doesn't "Daddy" look just like the skeleton, only with skin and a bit of hair? :D
A Jack-o-lantern display. This is what you get when you say "Say Cheese!" to a busy kid.
This is what you get when you say, "Look at Mummy and say cheese!"
This is what you get when you say "Are you smiling!" Yikes! Not looking forward to the next couple years of goofy face photos. This one is pretty cute though.
As soon as we got home it was her bedtime. So for her prayer she decided she had to say everything twice:
Dear Heavenly Father
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for Mummy and Daddy
Thank you for Mummy and Daddy
Thank you for Megan
and Denver
Please Bless Us
Please Bless Us
Please Bless Us
To have a good Day tomorrow
Jesus Christ, Amen
"Oh yeah, I say Daddy is Gorgeous!"
That last line comes from a discussion in Sears the other day. We saw a cute little boy with his Mum. I said to Savannah "Isn't that little boy cute?" She said, "Yeah, he's gorgeous!"
Where on earth did she get that from?????? Then she proceeded to tell me "Daddy is gorgeous too!"
What a precious little girl. I hope she never outgrows her cuteness or her love and admiration for our family.
Didn't Denver get to go to the scarcrow festival too?
Cute little Savannah
Great pictures! Savannah is so cute. I get a lot of those sideways pictures of Aerie, too. She's always too busy to let me snap a shot of her.
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