Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

Savannah decorating one of our front windows with vinyl stickers.

A santa craft we did with my dayhome kids. She is VERY proud of it.

Decorating my "little kid" tree.

She found this cat costume and had to put it on for photos!

Megan. I love this photo, she looks so happy for once! Not her usual photo face.

Savannah with Santa. Next time we saw him was in a mall and she got her photo taken there as well. Everytime she saw him after that she'd holler "I see Santa! I see Santa!!!"

Concentrating on crushing cookies for a recipe Megan was making. This is year number two of making cookies for our neighbors. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of Megan's finished product to show you. How do you like the tool Savannah is using! She couldn't do it with the rolling pin, it was too heavy. This hammer was just right.

Yes Mummy, I see you watching me!

The shortbread dough was just too much of a temptation!

Daddy and Denver. Denver is mixing the filling for his cookies.

Dirty, happy girl!

Daddy's haystacks

Decorating the tree.

Finished product

Our new tree topper!

The "mittens" I made for an ornament exchange.

Denver's finished product.

Mummy's sugar cookies.

The trays we gave to the neighbor's. Complete with an invitation to the live Nativity pagent at our church. The bar closest to the front of this photo is one of Megan's. So I guess I do have sort of a picture of hers!


During. Some candy sampling was going on!

She did pretty well with it though. The ones on the wavy lines I mostly helped her with.

Finished product. Next year's will be MUCH better!

The stained glass Nativity I made on December 20th. So much fun!

My Neice, Sierra and Savannah in front of the tree after Christmas Eve service at the United Church.

The loaded tree after Santa came!

Christmas morning. Miss messy hair and Miss I got up and showered and fixed my hair and makeup for pictures!

The Dora book she got from the Dayhome agency. She was really excited about it, but it sure doesn't show in this photo!

Megan with her newly repaired phone.

Auntie Amber, Uncle Ray (hiding), Sierra and Jackson, and Grampa (Papa) Gordon off to the side.

Denver with his new skateboard.

The Wii and all it's accessories were hiding under here.
No touchy, No peeking!

Santa got it from the "Oh, this is SO AWESOME!" section of the store! That was the best reaction ever, they kept saying it over and over!

Enjoying another look at Tinkerbell amid all the remains of gift opening!!! It was a fun day!


Kimberly said...

Great pictures! It looks like you all had a great Christmas. I love the mitten ornaments and your stained-glass Nativity. Your family is so beautiful!

How is everyone enjoying the Wii? Do you like it?

Anonymous said...

WoW i can't believe how big Savannah is now!!! Looks like everyone had a fantastic Christmas!
Megan and Denver also look so much older and they're at a stage were as they're not changing so much in looks. Everyone's looking happy, busy and overall healthy!!!
Sierra and Savannah could pass as sisters - that took me by surprise!
Thinking of ya's always - Take Care!!! Tammy and Gang.

Anonymous said...

I thought you thought back to school was the most wonderful time of year. Looks like you had a good family Christmas.

Michelle said...

I mailed your presents today... :) I couldn't find your ornament though so will have to send it separately.

Percy2626 said...

Actually there are several "Most Wonderful Times of the Year!" Back to School is one of them, Spring when I find the first Dandelion, walking in the woods somewhere, harvest, first snowfall, etc. etc. :D