Friday, December 3, 2010

Ho Ho Ho Hum

I have a strong dislike for November. We've decided next year we are just going to call it Remember! Maybe it's just because it comes after the excitement of Halloween and before the excitement and joy of the Christmas season. Maybe it's more than that. It seems like almost every year something not so nice happens during that month for my family.

So years ago, I started decorating for Christmas about the first week of November. This year I started on the first. It was great. Christmas decorating always puts me in a good mood. It takes at least a month for me to decorate, a little at a time. Mostly due to the large number of Nativities I own and the garland I loop around the walls next to the ceiling.

This November was pretty good for me. I got a lot of my decorating done, just a little bit left. Maybe I'll get some more decorations! :D I've also done a cookie exchange of which most of the cookies are already gone. Cake class has been a lot of fun as well.

The best part of November has been Savannah's excitement for Christmas. She kept saying things like "Christmas is coming soon, but we need a lot more snow!"

So amidst all the ho hum of everyday life we are in full swing for the HO HO HO and happy times of December. Having kids at this time of year is great! I can hardly wait to see her joy on Christmas morning.

Happy December everyone!!!

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