Flik and Savannah
Princess Savannah loving up the polar bears!
Comfortable? Yep, she has complete faith that her Daddy will not let her fall.
Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit
Princess lessons after her appointment at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. She had this grump on all morning! Was happy in the afternoon though.
Snow White
Times two. Oh-La-La Denver! She was supposed to kiss him on the cheek (she did that to kids the day before), but unfortunately for Daddy he still had to buy the chips and jerky because D held up his end of the bargain! Daddy should have had Snow White in on the deal!!! :D
Savannah was picking up all the Mickey sequins. These two nice folk came and helped her for a bit. They talked to her about how big of a job she was going to have picking up all those sequins. She was quite mad that they didn't help her finish the job!
A Daddy's Love Bug above Daddy's Love Bug!
I don't know where she gets these poses! Trying on a Chinese dress.
Princess and the Frog. Pretty self explanatory if you are Savannah. She just LOVES this movie.
Of course, she had to fall asleep two minutes before we got to see the "real" Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen! Oh well, at least there are pictures so she knows she saw them.
With Doug from "Up"
She wouldn't have anything to do with the other "Up" characters.
Hanging from the big door. I never got one of these photos last time, so made sure to this year.
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