Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cristi's Blog Giveaway!

Cristi's Creations - maker of my current blog background is having her first ever blog giveaway! Several nice prizes to choose from if you wish to participate. My friend Kim regularly uses Cristi's backgrounds, all cute and easy to use. Check them out for your own use and entry into her giveaway.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Confusion!

Savannah is supposed to be going as Cinderella for Halloween this year. It's a costume we already had in the dress up clothes. We've just added fairy wings and a wand if she wants to be the Fairy Godmother. So far she has worn the costume to the Scarecrow Festival and then again this morning to play school.

Tonight she was supposed to wear it again for dance class. I made the mistake of telling her she had to wear her "Tinkerbell" costume to dance! She was Tinkerbell the last two years for Halloween. So immediately she latched on to my mistake! Tinkerbell and only Tinkerbell would do to go to dance class! Good thing I knew where it was, even the headband which was in a different spot then the rest of the costume. As soon as we got it on and made sure it fit, Savannah ran downstairs to get her Tinkerbell shoes from the dress up bin. She and the girls I babysit are always wearing those!

So I guess we shall see what she wants to wear when Halloween finally gets here! Thursday is another costume day as well.

Then on the way to dance we had this conversation!

Me: "What are you going to say when your teacher asks you what you are going to be for Halloween? (I thought she would say Cinderella, boy was I wrong!)

Savannah: "A dragon." (Thanks Auntie Jillian! - They played dress-up with a dragon costume on Saturday)

Me: "No, what are you going to be for Halloween?"

Savannah: "A dragon."

Me: "You are wearing your Tinkerbell costume, tell her you are Tinkerbell"

Savannah: GASPS! "That's so nice!"

Me: "You are funny Savannah!"

Savannah: Giggles and says something else funny, but I can't remember anymore!

Me: "You are being silly!"

Savannah: Giggles again. "Hamburger!"

We were passing by Boston Pizza. When I told her that it was "GASP, PIZZA!"

That's my girl!

Have a marvelous day with lots of FUNNY stuff in it!

Halloween Eyes!

Savannah bought a book at Denver's school book fair called "Goulish Goodies" If you click on that and then on the photo of the book you can see part of the book including most of the recipe for the eyeballs and a photo of them in the book.

Savannah, Alicia and I made the eyes for Savannah's playschool today and some for Tick Toc Time on Thursday. They taste great! I'm so excited I can eat them too, just not the Smarties we used for the irises, but that's okay.

Savannah was super excited to make them and take them to share with her friends at school today. So excited she forgot about her backpack which usually has to go with her! The eyes have it! :D

More Daddy's Girl!

For several days we have been hearing how Daddy is GORGEOUS! She always says, "Daddy Gorgeous!" Now we get to hear a few other people are gorgeous once in awhile, but mostly only Daddy.

Because of a song Daddy is also now "King of the World!" He said once he wasn't, but I told him he was King of Savannah's world and that's all that matters. Mummy likes this also because now I am the Queen! Savannah is the Princess and the other two are just Megan and Denver!

One day when Rick was leaving for work Savannah said, "I always sad."
Me: "Are you sad cause Daddy has to go to work?"
Savannah: "Yeah"

As soon as Daddy comes home from work she almost always runs to give him a hug and a kiss before she can continue what she was doing. If she doesn't get up in time to kiss and hug him goodbye in the morning, lots of times we have a very grumpy girl at home until she can see Daddy again! Sometimes we call him so she can give him a "phone kiss." Anytime I get a text on my cell phone she runs to it and says "Daddy!"

Yep, she's still Daddy's Girl!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is for Kim and I finally figured out how to change the background on here! YAY! Enjoy everyone! See you again soon.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scarecrow Festival and cuteness!

The big spider doorway. It was the entry to the Halloween Dance. We didn't go in there. Savannah loved the spider though!

One of the displays. Doesn't "Daddy" look just like the skeleton, only with skin and a bit of hair? :D

A Jack-o-lantern display. This is what you get when you say "Say Cheese!" to a busy kid.

This is what you get when you say, "Look at Mummy and say cheese!"

This is what you get when you say "Are you smiling!" Yikes! Not looking forward to the next couple years of goofy face photos. This one is pretty cute though.

As soon as we got home it was her bedtime. So for her prayer she decided she had to say everything twice:
Dear Heavenly Father
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for Mummy and Daddy
Thank you for Mummy and Daddy
Thank you for Megan
and Denver
Please Bless Us
Please Bless Us
Please Bless Us
To have a good Day tomorrow
Jesus Christ, Amen

"Oh yeah, I say Daddy is Gorgeous!"

That last line comes from a discussion in Sears the other day. We saw a cute little boy with his Mum. I said to Savannah "Isn't that little boy cute?" She said, "Yeah, he's gorgeous!"

Where on earth did she get that from?????? Then she proceeded to tell me "Daddy is gorgeous too!"

What a precious little girl. I hope she never outgrows her cuteness or her love and admiration for our family.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh OH!

I think we are in for some real trouble over the coming years with Savannah!

What kind of trouble? The B-O-Y variety!

Denver has a friend named Tristian. Savannah refers to him as "My boy!"

Who does Savannah want to see all the time. "My cousins, my boys!" In fact she has been demanding for days to go visit her cousins, her boys. When I say demanding, I mean all the way to the city and back she says/hollers to go visit, "Her BOYS!"

Look out boys, here she comes!

Planting our Garden

We didn't have a real garden spot this year, so we planted peas, beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, radishes, onions and cucumbers in our backyard flower beds.

This was the first day of planting. Savannah really wanted to help.

These are the first two rows of peas. I made the trenches and then showed her how to put the seeds in spaced nicely.

Doesn't she look so happy and proud to be helping?

First she did it just like I was. Then she decided to fill in all the spaces!

I thinned them out again for her and covered the rows. She helped pat the soil down over the seeds.

Next we planted a row of beans and she watered the whole thing with her little watering can.

The growing plants were a pretty big temptation at first. I had to replant several beans that she thought were ready to eat just after they popped out of the ground!

The next big temptation was peas. Every time we go to the car she had to (and still does) get a pea to eat (or several). Once in awhile she gets a little braver and searches for the hidden beans under the pea plants that fell over top and hid them.

The peas were much too tall for our homemade fence this year, so next year the fence will have to be much taller. They turned out to be sugar snap peas. VERY tasty, shell and all. Mmmmm

A few days ago I harvested the tomatoes and potatoes. One large pail of potatoes and 80 pounds of tomatoes from the greenhouse! I've made one batch of salsa (7 jars) so far. A new recipe to try. It's Pearadise Salsa. I use BerNARdin Salsa mix. It's a recipe that comes with that. We had a box of pears to use up, so thought we'd try it. Next will be a couple batches of Tomato-Pepper Salsa and LOTS of canned tomatoes. We use them in chili and all kinds of things instead of the boughten cans. Just figured out to do them in small jars instead of large ones.

Next year's garden is already forming in my mind and we haven't even harvested most of this year's yet! Lots of carrots and a few currants still to come this year.