When she was done playing Fairies I asked her what she wanted to do next. Her answer was "Hot Dog!" This is what she meant.

After that we got ready to go pick up her best friend Mya and her Mum to take them to the mall to "Build-A-Bear." Unfortunately I had camera issues, so had to get a disposable one to take photos there. Of course they aren't great, but at least they were something. Not going to scan them on here though.
Mya made a snow leopard and Savannah made a Kitty. It's grey with a pink flowery dress. She named it "Kitty!"
Hadn't planned on doing much else there, but ended up getting a short and shirt outfit for her as well and a Belle facecloth at the Disney Store. Yep, spoiled.
These next photos are from her birthday party on the 20th of June.
Ariel is her favorite princess right now so I thought it would be fun to make her an Ariel cake. I had a little trouble with runny icing this year, but it was still cute.

This is Savannah's best friend, Mya. The girls were playing with dress-up hair I got from the Dollar Store.

I used to babysit Cari. She brought her little brother to the party too.

Akaycia having fun peeking out of Savannah's playhouse from last year's birthday. It is well used by all the girls.

Playing with the hair, magic wands, and a new "golf" game I got for the kids to play with outside.
Big sister Megan, suntanning in the mess!
Time to open presents. I wonder what could be in here?

It's Seepy Beutie, Mum! (Sleeping Beauty). Unfortunately this doll has already had a beheading accident! She still brushes it's hair though. I really need to find some good glue and fix it one of these days.
More Fairies from Disney World

Blowing out her candles. Mya's Daddy, Tim says this was the best cake ever! He kept calling it the "really good cake!"
Serenity really enjoyed her cake, she kept trying to get more, as did her sister.
Now that I'm three I wonder what kind of trouble I will get into this year??? I'm sure Mum will let you know! :D