On the Saturday we went to Fort Edmonton Park for their Easter Egg hunt. This is part of a rabbit clubs' display outside the 1920's Airplane Hanger. They had LOTS of games and activities for Savannah to do inside it. Megan and Denver took the map and went off outside to hunt for eggs. It was pretty cold, but we all had fun.Savannah and Daddy, petting rabbits

Going through a tunnel, found an egg!
Got her face painted like a Bunny. She would NOT let the girl do it for her, so Mummy had too.
Bowling, she figured out how it worked!

There was an insect and other creatures display. Savannah like the butterflies. Daddy held the Tarantula! YUCK!

Savannah dressed in her bunny ears craft

Enjoying a sucker. Everything was blue after that!

Baby Bunnies in another rabbit club display.

So cute

What is this? Wow! Look what I found!

Didn't take her long to figure out how to open it.

Denver and Savannah hunting for mini eggs and a few other larger ones. Savannah just ate the mini ones as fast as she found them!

Denver's basket with his stuff, plus the mini eggs to divide with everyone.

Right on! Chocolate on her face.

Denver getting ready to read the Easter Bunny's letter. Megan in hiding. Too early in the morning for her!
In the afternoon we went to Grampa Hall's house. Savannah just LOVED the cows and calves.

She is petting this one

She and cousin Jackson kept saying "Hi!" to them!
Isn't it cute?
She is adorable too!

Having fun on the swing set.

So big

Eating Twizzlers (her favorite treat) and pretzels with Jackson
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