Sunday, January 6, 2008

Photos from our California Trip in 2005

This is random photos from our trip to California in July 2005. I've had them saved as a draft for awhile, so I am finally going to get some stuff written about them and post it! There will be a couple more in the near future as well.

This was a really cool old-fashioned gas station. We didn't need gas, just stopped for some treats. I had to take a photo of the pumps though. In two weeks I took almost 600 photos! Thank goodness for digital cameras.

Neat foliage. Not sure what the plant is, but I really liked the look of it.

Purple flowers and Sequoia trees. It is quite common to see fallen Sequoia trees, they are often hollow in the middle.

Another Sequoia tree.

I believe this is called Coral Root. Just looked it up, this is what I found: "A snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea), one of the truly beautiful wildflowers of the Pacific United States. Like a fungus, it lacks chlorophyll and is nonphotosynthetic." If you'd like to read more about it, or it's relatives, you can find information at:

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