Last night I took the kids for a scooter ride to 7-11 to get treats for bedtime snack. Really I just wanted a Slurpee, but needed to give them some kind of motivation to get all the way there and back.
On the way there, Savannah discovered a toy phone she had put in the pouch on the front of her scooter. She is much faster than L on hers. So while waiting for us on a corner, she decided to get out her "cell phone" and call Daddy. Just as we came up to the corner I heard her saying "Hello Daddy, I love you!" She had a huge grin on her face the whole time.
Then tonight after she was asleep I went to check on her and discovered she had snuck into our room and taken Daddy's fuzzy wolf blanket off our bed and covered herself with it in her own bed. What a stinker, but at least she wasn't sleeping on Daddy's side of our bed this time! :D
During her prayers she thanked Heavenly Father for the fun holiday we had scootering to 7-11! Guess I will have to take them on more scooter rides before the snow flies. We saw and heard the first crunchy leaves on the sidewalk last night.
On the weekend we went to a scrapbook store with Flower Gramma. Gramma was still waiting in the checkout line to pay when I took the kids out to get them in the car. She overheard another lady say to her friend, "Did you see how cute that little girl in the blue skirt is?" I think Daddy is going to have his work cut out for him when she reaches dating age!
What cute things have your children or others around you been doing lately?
Sleeping in a hotel after Auntie Chelle's wedding this summer.