I'm really not, but this is the second year I have participated in our Stake Duathalon. I do the short adult one, 3 km run, 10 km bike, 3 km run. I have to admit that the last 3 km run I pretty much walked the entire thing. A fast walk, but still a walk. My legs were hurting units by then!
My goal this year was to beat my time from last year of 1 hour and 33 minutes. Unfortunately my time this year was 1 hour, 33 minutes and 58 seconds! This year was much harder though, there were strong cross-winds blowing on us every second of the race. A couple times my bike was almost blown off the road! I am super glad little missy was with Daddy while I was racing this year, instead of being pulled behind me or pushed ahead. Although, a part of me really likes the idea of a stroller in front of me. It's something to lean on and hide behind!!!!

Last year Savannah got out of the stroller about 50 feet from the end of the race and ran across the finish line. She was so proud of herself! This year we entered her in the under 11 race which is 1 km run, 3 km bike, 1 km run. I thought she would be fine for the running part, but wasn't sure about the biking. She just figured out how to steer (sort of) this summer at our campground. She's still pretty unsteady on that part.
She managed 1 km run and 1 km bike. Then she was done. Off to breakfast and swimming with Daddy so Mummy could do her run alone this year. They saw me cross the finish line and then Savannah wanted to go race again!!! All day she wanted to go back to the race. Silly girl.
Later we went back to take these photos at the finish line. See the movement of the sign and our hair? It was still windy.
Savannah is a crazy photographer, she kept taking photos until I got to her to take the camera away! This one shows you the cute shirts we got with Mr. Potatohead cartoons on them.
On mine he's doing a duathalon, on Savannah's he's doing a triathalon. Unfortunately neither of us are swimmers, so we do the duathalon. S will be able to do a triathalon someday if she wants too. She is an athlete!
I repeat, I am NOT a runner. My legs were screaming at me for several days afterwards! Think I'd better do a little training for it next year. Anyone want to join me? If I can do it, so can you.