So we took the kids shopping at a big mall last weekend. Megan took Savannah for a bit to go shopping at some store that only Megan would be interested in. To get her to behave, Megan told Savannah that she would buy her an ice cream if she was good. About half an hour later they met up with the rest of us at “Old Navy” so I could try some outfits on Savannah. I couldn’t figure out why she kept talking about ice cream. After we picked out her outfits we went out to find Megan again. After asking her why Savannah was talking about ice cream she replied, “Because she didn’t forget!”
Have you ever noticed how various stores and businesses have different things they do for kids? Savannah equates the post office, doctor’s office, Salsa Tots and a music class to getting stickers. Walmart equals fries from McDonald’s which we do NOT get every time, just on long trips when we stop at specific Walmarts on the way. I like the convenience of being able to eat and do other shopping without loading a kid in and out of the car again! Savannah thinks Costco is about getting food samples, sharing a hot dog with Mummy and getting a smiley face drawn on the receipt as you leave the store. If the lady just tries drawing a line through the receipt, Savannah says “Smiley Face” quite loudly until the lady obliges her with one! Thank goodness the bakery counter people aren’t always at the counter when we go to Safeway. Don’t want her figuring out you can get a free cookie there all the time! Besides, that’s what Auntie Amber’s is for.
Mention the park or swimming might be on tomorrow’s agenda? Better be prepared to do that, or she won’t let you hear the end of it unless there is something even better planned instead. Drive by a midway set up somewhere. “Look Mummy! So FUN!!!!!” Cornfest is next weekend, complete with a midway, guess we’d better be prepared to drop a small fortune there! It will be so FUN though. Cornfest is something I look forward to all year. Guessing Savannah won’t have a problem going next time either!