This was one the first bed when we came in the door to our room! Only on the first day though.
All the kids on "Rex" Note the "wall" behind with the big window in it. There was also a gigantic door with "Andy's Room, keep out (except for Molly)" written on it. I wanted to take a photo of Denver hanging from the doorknob, but we didn't get time to do that.
Inspecting a piece of mulch
I love this look
On the "BUZZ" blocks.
"Buzz" you can see how big he is from how small Savannah is at his feet!
The "Woody" blocks, but for some reason I didn't take a photo of Woody. You can see the bookshelf behind him and part of his hat brim in this photo. Popcorn, sherrif stars and film decorated all the balcony for the 2nd and 3rd floors. We were in the first floor.
This photo is from the Fantasia section of our resort. For these next several photos Megan and Denver were still in bed!
Savannah and Donald Duck
Rick and Savannah taking a short break in a hammock we found.
Savannah, Mummy and Donald Duck
Savannah, Mummy and Daisy Duck
Rick with "Herbie"
Rick in the Winner's Circle with the 1st Place cup. The sign underneath says "Winner's Circle This is the actual car that was used in the Magic Kingdom Parades from 1978-1990."
Savannah and I. She had to peek into the cup.
Then she could sit for a photo.
Savannah and I with Herbie. Herbie being in the resort is what started these photos. I had to go find him!
The back of Herbie
The front of Herbie
We got to see the "real" Herbie in the stunt show at Hollywood Studios Theme park. He just came out real quick, split in half the long way and dissapeared again! I didn't even have a chance to take a photo!!!!!
Pongo at the 101 Dalmations section of the resort
Savannah with Lucky
I took this photo from inside the large t.v. that Lucky was watching. There were "Kanine Krunchie" bone shaped bricks in the walkway here too.
Look at all the people! The mickey hat is in the centre of the park. It was a good place to figure out which way you wanted to go from. We saw "High School Musical" right in front of it as soon as we got into the park. I saw parts of it several more times over the week. It seemed to be always on!
These are Dopey and Snow White made of wire cages with plants growing on them. I think they spray paint the plants where they don't have something growing the right color. The blue especially. I think the rest was mostly natural plant colors.
Fantasia Mickey and the brooms with Violas for water coming out of their buckets.
Savannah taking it all in
She loved everything about the place!
This little lizard was on the way into the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. Just Savannah and I saw it. We saw several more of these during the week. They sure were cute!
The beginning of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They had stories from four different Disney Playhouse shows icorporated into the puppet show.
My Friends Tigger and Pooh. This is Savannah's favorite show
Savannah all excited about the show. She was pointing and saying "Woooooooo!" They had tissue paper leaves fall from the ceiling during part of the Pooh show and bubbles during another one of the stories. I LOVED how interactive it was for Savannah. We got to sing along to different parts of the show as well. Denver came and watched it with us on another day too.
Rick with a "Toluca" turkey leg. They were huge!
The Hollywood Tower "Hotel" It had the Tower of Terror ride in it. I thought it would be like the Drop of Doom at the West Ed Mall, but it was quite different. Scariest ride I have ever been on! Megan and Rick went on it several times!
Typical Megan and Denver scene. They slept in every morning!!!
Day Two - Animal Kingdom
Pamela, Rick, Denver, Savannah, Koda Bear (From Brother Bear) and Megan
Mummy and Savannah with Meeko from Pocahontas
It was kind of like a fancy zoo. There were birds and small animals to look at just about everywhere when we first walked in.
This purple flower was so pretty!
Denver's turtle picture
Then we went on a "Safari" and saw lots of bigger animals and things.
It was a bumpy ride as you can see from this photo!
Termite mounds
"Poacher's camp"
Rick stayed in the hotel room to watch the Superbowl that night while the kids and I went to Downtown Disney.
This is the Loch Ness Monster made out of Legos in the water next to the Lego store.
There were several window displays. This is one of Sydney, Australia
A diplay in the store. I have never seen so many legos in my whole life!
Megan and Savannah with "Aurora" outside the World of Disney store
Savannah with "Lucky"
Daisy and Donald Duck on vacation. This was the pin trading post. Behind them you can see hundreds of Disney lapel pins!!!
Mickey, Minnie and Savannah
Savannah and I went to Once Apon a Toy store and made this Mr. Potato Head together
Day Three - The Magic Kingdom
Minnie and Mickey Mouse made out of Ivy plants at the side of Cinderella's castle
I LOVE these photos as there are no people in them. In just a few photos you will see how actually amazing that is!
Savannah's favorite characters, Winnie-the-Pooh, Darby and Tigger with Savannah and Mummy. She was scared of the characters though. I dressed Savannah in her Tinkerbell costume every time we came to the Magic Kingdom. Thought I'd might as well get some use out of it before it is too small for her.
Music and singing on the street. I think they sang "The Bear Neccessities" from The Jungle Book.
There were MANY more people here than at the other parks
Savannah with Bleakley from Lilo and Stitch
These next several photos are from Tom Sawyer's Island. We road in a raft out to it!
These are VERY tall Azalea bushes.
Not sure what this plant is, but it sure had neat berries. They are really this shade of purple.
Denver, Rick, Savannah and Megan
It was super hard to get everyone to cooperate for photos!
Neat architecture across the water. Not sure what this building was.
Just found a flyer with it in and Rick also told me, it is a Haunted Mansion!
Denver and Megan posing on a rock. Megan actually asked me to take their photo here!
Savannah at Pooh's Thoughtful Spot. She loved playing in this log.
Inspecting mulch again
Inside Pooh's house. Notice the girl outside the window with the Cheesies? When Savannah turned around she was eating a Cheesie!
Scenes from the Tigger and Pooh ride. It was short, but Savannah liked it. Part of it we even bounced like Tigger!
One of Disney World's many character parades.
I think this is a type of Daffodil. There weren't very many of them.
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, outside the tea cup ride. We didn't go on it, just looked around it.
In Minnie Mouse's house. Savannah found some "logs" and figured she'd make a fire like at home! It was cute.
Then Savannah and I lined up to meet the Princesses. It was a really long line, but it was worth it. Savannah made a little Spanish friend along the way. She and her Mother ended up not staying until the end of the line though!
Savannah absolutely LOVED the Princesses. She cuddled with all three of them.
Aurora, also known as Sleeping Beauty
Belle, also known as Beauty
Statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
The lights at night. They lit up for the Main Street Electrical Parade
Cinderella's castle at night. The lights on it change colors.
I'm not sure what this show was called, it went on a few times a day in front of the castle.
Megan's really good dessert that night
Day Four - Epcot Centre
We saw a movie on the bus as we arrived at Disney World that said Epcot stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
This is Savannah with Belle again, only this time she is in her French Provincial Dress outside of the French part of the World Showcase.
Orchids we found on a handicap ramp where Savannah and I went to get some shade!
Eating some fries. This photo must actually have been later in the day as the fries are from our lunch. You will see our lunch company in a bit.
Outside the Nemo and Friends ride.
Beautiful trees and scenery abound at Epcot
These Gulls say "Mine,Mine, Mine!" just like in the movie. Water splashes up too.
The famous landmark of Epcot. There is actually a ride through history and into the future inside of it!
Okay, here was our company for lunch. Savannah actually fell asleep, so she didn't see them. I swear this duck wanted my fries, with ketchup, like the goose in the t.v. commercial!
This plaque was outside the Canadian World Showcase.
Here is the gardens.
And Savannah sleeping still!
She woke up and ate her lunch just before this photo. The eiffel tower is supposed to be behind us, but it is too bright, so you can't really see it!
There it is!
French gardening
The Beast I don't think Savannah minded that he wasn't there for our photos with Belle. While we were in line for the photos we met some people from New Orleans that gave us lots of Mardi Gras beads. We gave a few away to other people afterwards as well.
A little model village at the Norway Showcase.
The fountain had a show of water, lights and music. I think this is a great photo with the water surrounding the "golf ball!"
Waiting for the rest of the family and playing with her Mardi Gras beads.
Day Five - back to Hollywood Studios
Car stunt show. This is where Herbie split in half. The first photo here is a car jumping through the air. They were "making" a movie for us to see at the end.
I think this is where the red car was driving backwards. They showed us tricks of the trade later and there were actually 4 or 5 different red cars used during the show. The driving backwards one actually has the insides all backwards, so the driver is looking out the back of the car! There is a fake driver looking the other way, so we didn't notice anything different about it.
Savannah at the fountain in front of the Muppets 3D Vision show. That was one of my favorite shows in Disney World. I remember watching the Muppets was a big treat growing up! Mum used to wake us up to watch "late night" Muppet Shows.
We went to a "character" meal with Disney Princesses. In attendance were: Belle, Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Jasmine (from Aladdin), Cinderella, and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty).
These photos are from the Stars and Motorcars parade. Savannah and I saw it two different days.
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead
Mike Wezowski and Sullivan from Monsters Inc.
Lilo and Stitch
Tigger and Pooh
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Savannah in a crocodile statues' mouth outside a store
A family photo on some huge props. Too bad it wasn't lighter outside and those two people didn't walk faster!
Day Six - Seaworld
This is a dolphin in the nursery. They keep the Mum and calf seperate from the others for about a year after the baby is born.
Neat flowers. I have NO idea what they are.
Everyone crossing the bridge to the Shamu show.
Hibiscus flower
Here is the whole bush.
These white birds were everywhere!
One of the Killer Whales jumping out of the water.
Getting fish for doing their stunts. Notice the white bird, waiting for droppings. It did get some fish later in the show!
This was in an enclosed area just inside the park. There were lots of neat birds in it.
Denver bought some minnows to feed the Tiger Sharks. Rick gave it a try, but Megan didn't want to touch the slimy minnows.
They stuck their heads out of the water begging for the fish!!!!!
Daddy and Savannah under the shark tank
This neat creature is called a Sea Dragon. It is related to Sea Horses.
The Sea Lion was being fed by another tourist. It kept turning it's head trying to tell them to throw the fish, but if you didn't throw it far enough the white bird got it!
Mummy and Savannah in front of a mural in several different spots.
Pamela in front if the Hibiscus bush
This flower was on the ground already. Sure was a big one!
They do Ivy sculpture here too!
These are air plants in silhouette. I have a better photo later on.
Day Seven - Back at Animal Kingdom
Pamela and Donald Duck
Us again, with Savannah, sleeping once more!
At the Lion King show. This is Pumba
These were supposed to be monkeys of some kind. They did a lot of acrobatics.
Monkeys with Timon and the African Queen.
Theh Pocahontas and her Woodland Friends show, with an Opossum.
Outside the Magic Kingdom. Princess Minnie
Rick, Savannah, Denver and Megan with Pirate Mickey
Pirate Mickey
Savannah, Rick, Denver and Megan beside Cinderella's Castle

Rick in the stocks!
Pretty and interesting flowers. Again, no idea what any of them are!
Air plants on a tree
Mummy, Savannah, and Daddy in front of the castle.
Rick and Pamela heading into a Luau. It was lots of fun!
Volcano desserts, the thing with the white on top had dry ice "smoke" coming out of the top of it.
Rick's dessert. He said it was really good. I think it was Raspberry and lemon.
Day Eight - A quick trip to a bunch of places for last minute stuff!
When Savannah and I entered Hollywood Studios again, we followed the Stars and Motorcars parade down the street! So I guess we actually saw it three times.
Outside the Canadian World Showcase at Epcot again.
Savannah and Mummy with Koda and Little Brother from "Brother Bear."
Scenery at Epcot
Lots and lots of roses